win7的使用可能大家都不太熟悉,在windows 7下玩游戏经常会出现很多的问题,最多的就是驱动和显卡配置的问题。有些服务可能导致win7下的服务出现问题,比如Multimedia Class Scheduler服务,它能够让win7下的网络游戏ping比平时高。到底是怎么回事呢?笔者来给大家做个讲解:
Multimedia Class Scheduler服务是什么?
官方给出的解释是:The Multimedia Class Scheduler service (MMCSS) enables multimedia applications to ensure that their time-sensitive processing receives prioritized access to CPU resources. This service enables multimedia applications to utilize as much of the CPU as possible without denying CPU resources to lower-priority applications.
MMCSS uses information stored in the registry to identify supported tasks and determine the relative priority of threads performing these tasks. Each thread that is performing work related to a particular task calls the AvSetMmMaxThreadCharacteristics or AvSetMmThreadCharacteristics function to inform MMCSS that it is working on that task.
For an example of a program that uses MMCSS, see Exclusive-Mode Streams
重启电脑后设置才会生效,然后到服务里关闭并禁用Multimedia Class Scheduler,再进游戏看看有没有提高呢?
win7玩网络游戏ping网速高 到底是怎么回事呢?
发布时间:2012-05-01 来源:零度电脑知识网
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